The year 2100 will be the last year in which human beings will be able to inhabit the planet earth because most of the natural resources will have been exhausted and the environmental conditions will have drastically changed. Overpopulation, in addition to generating an excessive increase in waste and pollution, will decrease the quality of life, especially for people in poverty.

The government and the elite will create a new floating city that will function from the energy generated by waste treatment on Earth. This new territory will promise the wealthiest an exit in the midst of a world in chaos and violence, while it will promise a program of territorial cleansing to the rest of humans that will free the planet from the large masses of waste and its high level of contamination. In reality it will be the strategy used by elites to explode the last remaining energy source on the planet. The new system will operate out of inequality and injustice, as it happens today. The floating city will be connected to the Earth through long metal tubes that work upwards carrying the energy generated from the garbage, in those plants the collectors work hardly with the promise that someday they will be taken with their families to this celestial city as pay for their “service to the nation”.

This garbage treatment generates all the energy that the city needs to rise and function and at the same time progressively cleans the Earth that has been devastated after many waves of overproduction and industrialization. The floating city will be compound by structures of material that works in outer space as microlattice, these structures are connected by channels that allow people to go from one structure to another. The city will go with the last animal species and the surviving plants that will allow a new start far from the ground.

The duality of both territories is necessary and complementary, the earthly world has no chance of recovering without a levitating world and this would have no reason to exist without the earthly world on the verge of collapse.

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